The Catholic Alumni Club (CAC) of Boston is an organization of over 200 single adult Catholics enjoying each other's company in a wide variety of social, religious, and cultural settings. Its purpose is to encourage friendship and camaraderie among people of similar backgrounds.

CAC gives Catholics the opportunity to enjoy a broad spectrum of coed activities and meet other Catholic men and women who share the same values and religious heritage. The club has members in hundreds of Archdiocesan parishes as well as southern New Hampshire, southeastern Massachusetts, Rhode Island, and the Greater Worcester area. Since 1952, CAC has continually welcomed Catholic men and women into its extended family.

Full Membership is open to single Catholic men and women who are free to marry in the Church and have at least an Associates degree or attained Registered Nurse status or a Professional Certificate or License. Associate Membership is offered to those who do not meet one or more of the above criteria. Except for voting privileges, Associate Members are entitled to the same benefits as Full Members.

Please complete this application and mail it with your check, payable to CAC of Boston, and mail to P.O. BOX 101 Concord, MA. 01742. Additional application forms and answers to questions about the club  send an e-mail message: This form may be duplicated.

Name     M F

Address Email address

City       State Nine-Digit Zip

Phone   Occupation

Graduate of which college

Highest Degree attained: High School Associate Degree Bachelor's Degree Master's Degree Doctorate Other (specify)


I am Catholic: Yes No    Free to marry in the Catholic Church: Yes No

DOB or Age range: 21-29 30-39 40-49 50-59 over 60  

How did you hear about CAC?

Enclosed is my check  for $40(one year) $75(two year) $45(per year for International).  

The addresses and phone numbers of members appear in CAC's annual Membership Directory.   If you prefer to keep this information confidential, check the following:  Please keep my   address    phone number    email address   confidential.

Please check off any of the categories that are of interest to you. Knowing what you want to get from this organization helps us to better plan our activities for the ultimate enjoyment of all.

Travel     Newsletter      Club Promotion           Bulk Mail 
Dance      Book Discussion  Epicureans(Fine Dining)  Rhode Island/SE Mass. Area
Charity   Membership   Southern New Hampshire/Merrimack Valley Catholic Action (Community Service) 
Cultural   Music/Choir   Greater Worcester Area  Special Events (Banquets, Buffet Socials) 

Sports: Softball Volleyball Tennis Golf Bowling Basketball Hiking Skiing

Do you have any other interests? Please specify

I declare that the above information is true and may be verified by the Catholic Alumni Club of Boston.


__________________________________________        ______________________________   Signature                                                                                          Date