Catholic Alumni Clubs International (CACI) is an association of 15 Catholic Alumni Clubs located throughout the United States.
A Catholic Alumni Club (CAC) is a local, diocesan-based organization of single Catholic professional men andwomen of all ages enjoying each other’s company in a wide variety of social, religious, and cultural settings. Each CAC provides a friendly setting for Catholic singles to meet and develop friendships with other Catholic singles at a variety of enjoyable, interesting, and fulfilling activities.
CACI, the umbrella organization, hosts a national convention/vacation, facilitates communication among CAC chapters nationwide, and represents the interests of single Catholics at a national level.
A favorite CAC social event.
Friendly, low-pressure gatherings at members’ homes. Great icebreakers.
An enjoyable evening with fellow CACers at a local restaurant.
Mass, retreats, spiritual discussions, and other events celebrating our faith.
An essential element of Catholic life.
Theatre, concerts, musicals, plays, tours, and more.
Volleyball, tennis, hiking, and more. Friendly interaction. Low-intensity competition.
Skiing, camping, and other weekend trips.
CACI holds a National Convention every year, as well as several Regional Weekends in different areas of the country. CAC members from many chapters — as well as our At-Large membership — join together to enjoy tours, dinner-dances, liturgies, speakers, and after-hours parties.
Have interest in a local CAC above?
Click/tap to go to that chapter’s website (if available). You may contact them from there. Or contact us:
CACUSA (At-Large) Membership enables you to be a part of the nationwide CAC community and take part in its activities, including the National Convention and Regional Weekends. Learn more
Consider starting a new CAC in your area. Our Club Development Chairman
{{ getPersonField('Club Development') }} will
work closely with you to get a CAC in your area up and running.
Join other single professional Catholics in your area, and start enjoying these benefits:
Meet the criteria for CAC membership, below? Become a member of a local CAC chapter, and start enjoying the company of other Catholic singles of similar values! Local CACs
CAC members are:
(Specific requirements may vary – please check with the chapter of interest to you. An alternative form of membership may be available to singles who don't meet all the above qualifications.)
Don’t live near a local CAC chapter and meet CAC membership criteria? You still have the opportunity be a part of the nationwide CAC community and take part in its activities by becoming a CACUSA Member.
Each year, several travel opportunities are available exclusively to CAC members. Join fellow CACers throughout the US, for interesting tours, dinner-dances, liturgies, seminars, after-hours parties, and more.
All CAC members in good standing are invited to the annual CACI National Convention, a weeklong gathering of CAC members from around the US. A varying North American location of particular interest to CAC travelers is selected each year. We’ve been sponsoring a National Convention every year since 1960!
Begin each day with breakfast. Then join a sightseeing tour, swim in the hotel’s pool, or take a leisurely stroll around the grounds. Later in the afternoon, attend a celebration of the Mass. Afterwards, enjoy a cocktail hour and catered dinner, followed by a dance. Close out the night with an after-hours party. Do all this while sharing the warmth of companionship and good cheer with fellow CAC Catholic singles.
CACI also conducts its annual business meeting at the Convention and holds its election of officers.
For many CACers, this Annual Vacation is the highlight of the year! You have to check it out and experience it for yourself.
Regional Weekends provide additional vacation opportunities for CACers beyond the National Convention. CAC chapters in a specific region of the country host a weekend full of activities of interest to Catholic singles. All CAC members may attend any Regional Weekend.
(Since 2000)
Catholic Alumni Clubs International is governed by its Board of Directors, composed of the Executive Committee (the Officers and the Immediate Past President) and the presidents and delegates of individual CAC chapters. Officers are elected annually at the National Convention (typically in June or July) and assume office October 1.
The Association of all Catholic Alumni Clubs is divided geographically into three regions. Each region is administered by a Regional Vice President.
Office | Name (Club) | Contact |
{{ officer.title }} | {{ officer.person }} ({{ officer.affil }}) |
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